The best place to start is in your least favorite room. Ideally, it should be a place which occupies you much moreso than you it. Go to a room which is for you a proxy organ. Regardless of what's happening, walk to the corner and face the wall. Our goal, ultimately, is to forget our bodies. Press your face as far as you can into the juncture of the two walls. Do not under any circumstance stop pressing.
Imagine that you are a caterpillar which is soon to begin its next stage of metamorphosis. Incubated by the brittle shell of your pupa, your body will slowly disintegrate and emusify until it is no longer able to resist any change it might undergo. The anonymous milky pulp of your former identity will be molded and recreated by your prison. You are losing everything.
There is someone standing behind you in the room. They have been living inside your home for months without your knowledge. Reclining just outside of your view, they have learned everything they could possibily know about you. They have watched you do everything and followed you to this corner. No matter how you try, you cannot move from your position. You can only press yourself harder into the wall, until the lips of your eye sockets are stuck flush to the divots of the paint. Do not stop pressing. Pay no attention to the rhythm of their breath against your neck.
Imagine all the ways they are able to hurt you. Imagine how your body, with its limitless flaws and vulnerability, can be compromised and destroyed by theirs. Imagine how your body will look when it is discovered on the floor, surrounded by its orphaned children. Imagine all warmth escaping you as you drift liminally into death. Imagine how many times this could have happened to you, every accident you almost had, every strange person you narrowly avoided. You cannot avoid anything now. Do not stop pressing against the wall.
You are going to die and there is nothing you can do about it.
In its cocoon, the caterpillar is helpless to avoid the prying stabs of hungry birds. All it can do is contort and disfigure itself such that its wounds no longer affect it. The caterpillar fits into smaller and smaller spaces until finally it fits into nothing and disappears.